On Friday April 29th a significant milestone was reached in the effort to better protect our coastline from devastating weather events. In coordination with Orange County, the Gulf Coast Protection District (GCPD) signed a Project Partnership Agreement with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), formally becoming a non-federal sponsor on the Orange County portion of the Sabine to Galveston projects. This has been many years in the making and brings us one step closer to making these plans a reality for those who live and work in the communities we serve.
This partnership means that the design and construction costs will be shared between these entities (65% Federal / 35% non-Federal), with USACE being responsible for managing design and construction, while the GCPD will operate and maintain the system once it is complete. The Sabine to Galveston project is designed to reduce the risk of flooding from a coastal storm surge, while not increasing the impacts from local rainfall flood events.
For more information about the Orange County Project or any of the next steps in the process, please visit the project resources provided below:
Project Website: https://www.swg.usace.army.mil/S2G/
Project Story Map: https://sabine-to-galveston-usace-swg.hub.arcgis.com/
Reps from the offices of @GovAbbott | @RepBrianBabin | @SenatorNichols | @txglo joined @SenLarryTaylor | @DennisPaul129 and the board members and staff of @GCPDTexas, Orange County officials and the Galveston District for a Project Partnership signing event April 29 for the S2G Program.