The Gulf Coast Protection District was created in 2021 by the 87th regular Texas Legislature to oversee the implementation of an integrated and comprehensive coastal resilience strategy for the upper Texas coast. Specifically, this includes assuming the role of non-federal sponsor for portions of the Federally funded and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers led Coastal Texas and Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay (S2G) projects.

These projects represent a systemwide risk management strategy for the coastline of Texas, employing multiple lines of defense to reduce the risk of coastal storm surge to natural and man-made infrastructure and to restore degraded coastal ecosystems. Focused on redundancy and robustness, the proposed system of improvements will increase the State’s ability to withstand and recover from coastal storms, to adapt to rising sea levels, and to maintain critical social, economic, and support systems which serve both Texas and nation.
GCPD’s Role in the Coastal Texas and S2G Projects

GCPD’s Obligations as the Non-Federal Sponsor